Saturday, May 14, 2011

william kate photos

william kate photos. “Kate issued William with an
  • “Kate issued William with an

  • brobert99
    Apr 11, 01:02 PM
    Whos to say Apple aren't leaking these rumors to try and put everyone off and try and prevent the same thing happening as happened with the iPhone 4?

    william kate photos. William and Kate Honeymoon
  • William and Kate Honeymoon

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 05:00 AM
    What I do is none of your damn business. And your opinion has no bearing on my life. Why you feel the need to tell others what to do is beyond me. Take care of your own house, let me take care of mine.
    I don't want to know what Lee does. I've said what I believe. I haven't told anyone to do anything.

    william kate photos. 1027-prince-william-kate-
  • 1027-prince-william-kate-

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 07:05 PM
    Precisely. I've been using HTC Android phones concurrently with my iPhones since I have multiple lines. I happen to like both platforms.

    What the Android haters here fail to realize, is that they cannot act like adults and say I like this about my iPhone far better than Android.

    Nooooo. They've got to preface it with something derogatory like "crappy Android" or worse. It shows their immaturity and inability to act intelligent. They reduce themselves to childish dolts. Idiots at best.

    Maybe we can start a trend here!

    As a former iPhone user who switched to Android and has been happy ever since, I will say that I was very happy with my iPhone, but my Android phone offers features that I couldn't imagine living without now.

    Both iOS and Android are very nice operating systems, with their own strengths and weaknesses.

    For me, Android works.

    william kate photos. Prince William Kate Middleton
  • Prince William Kate Middleton

  • wmmk
    Jul 14, 03:09 PM
    ... and the other one HD-DVD! :eek: ;) :D
    :dools: whoa, that'd be lovely. would they both also accept normal DVDs and CDs?

    william kate photos. prince william kate kate
  • prince william kate kate

  • cgmpowers
    Jul 15, 12:24 PM
    Has anyone considered this as to why Apple 'maybe' including two optical drives? We have external lightscribe 'superdrives' from Lacie (and others) but haven't seen one by Apple yet. That'd be a nice feature. So that's the first drive. The second optical drive is probably that BlueRay drive (massive storage capability compared to the other optical drive, and probably NOT capable of Lightscribing).

    Other thoughts, I do agree it'd be nice to have four bays for hard drives but hard drive sizes are increasing again. I'd be very happy with two 500 or 600 gb hard drives (which is what I'll be ordering).

    1 GB of ram min. is a must, I'm opting for at least 4 GB.

    I also don't care if its 2.66 Ghz or 3.00 Ghz as long as its a quad (two dual core).. I just need an Intel MacPro soon.. My G4 1ghz machines are SO MUCH showing its age..

    william kate photos. prince william kate middleton
  • prince william kate middleton

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Mar 31, 02:33 PM
    Lol, the fragmentation that "doesnt exist".

    I knew it would bite them in the ass someday.

    It was bound to happen. Apple makes the hardware and the phone and distributes it to providers.

    Google makes the software, distributes it to manufacturers, who than distribute to providers.

    Its a different model and Apples model works best however, the super closed ecosystem will always present some sort of issues amongst users. Either way you slice it Android isn't going anywhere and neither is iOS. Both are great platforms and the people that bash either without acknowledging that are uninformed fanboys/fandroids.

    william kate photos. prens william kate middleton
  • prens william kate middleton

  • Silentwave
    Aug 27, 07:46 PM
    20" iMac prices have least in the UK

    I don't recall any major price changes over here, but even so the particular case in point here is the 17" 1.83 iMac so if that hasn't changed over there then that would further support my thinking.

    william kate photos. William and Kate out and about
  • William and Kate out and about

  • layte
    Mar 31, 03:04 PM
    From now on, companies hoping to receive early access to Google's most up-to-date software will need approval of their plans.

    Emphasis on the important bit for those who didn't bother to actually read the article. If you want to wait a bit, you can get the code and do whatever you want. Well that's my reading of it anyway, but please, don't let get in the way of giving the new enemy number one a good kicking.

    william kate photos. william kate photos. prince
  • william kate photos. prince

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 27, 09:22 AM
    It is long overdue but I am glad it is finally released.

    william kate photos. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • yoak
    Aug 11, 03:12 PM
    Who wants to go through the trouble of doing a software change to unlock their phone.

    Me for one.
    I have done it on all my phones. Reason is simple; when I travel outside Norway and will spend more than a week there, I�ll get a local SIM card because it�s so expensive to use my Norwegian phone (both calling and recieving) As I buy my phones locked to a provider in Norway, I have to unlock them to make this work.
    Guess this is more relevant in Europe where people tend to visit different countries more often due to small distances

    william kate photos. Kate decided to take back
  • Kate decided to take back

  • PBF
    Apr 11, 11:11 PM
    I think everyone making the (pretty much insane) comments that this spells the end of the iPhone's dominance should wait and see what iOS 5 looks like and how the iPhone 5 takes advantage of it.
    Hmm, I wonder on what device they will preview iOS 5.

    They can't really say something like "...and these awesome groundbreaking features will work even better on iPhone 5", can they? :rolleyes:

    Hmm... :rolleyes:

    william kate photos. prince william kate middleton
  • prince william kate middleton

  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 18, 07:16 AM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    He did say all those things - but none of those make him a military dove, since in his debates with McCain he did extensively paint Afghanistan as the "right war," or the place were America "should have been." How many times did he promise to "find and kill" Bin Laden? Even before the debates he was openly pushing Afghan and Pakistan escalation.

    According to the Tea Party, he's doing everything he can to appease Muslims, too. While they obviously are using that as an attack, his speeches in the middle east and Egypt after his election showed a marked difference in communication and downplayed American exceptionalism. Plus, so far he hasn't had a request from a terrorist leader to talk, if I'm not mistaken, so that's not really a fair comparison.
    (I can't good youtube links for his Turkey speech - the one with the "not a Christian nation remark)

    Obviously he's failed on a lot of campaign promises - especially on the front of reversing Bush domestic policies like the PATRIOT act - but I'd argue that people who saw Obama as the anti-war candidate were the ones who didn't pay attention. The last part about spending doesn't really connect to this issue.

    william kate photos. Prince William will marry Kate
  • Prince William will marry Kate

  • Mike84
    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

    Then it would be a frivolous lawsuit and it would be dismissed.

    So, there really isn't a point buddy. :D

    william kate photos. william and kate middleton
  • william and kate middleton

  • Gamoe
    Mar 31, 06:43 PM
    Open doesn't necessarily mean "supported". All it means is that the source code is available and you can do whatever you want with it (as long as you keep that same source open as well). If some other group or company wants to take on and support an Android variant, they can do so and support it with updates. As far as I understand open source licences, Google can't prevent this.

    On the other hand, Google has no obligation to support every single variant out there, or put the Google stamp on something they don't approve because of quality, compatibility, consistency or any number of other concerns. That said, withholding the Honeycomb source may be stretching it.

    If you're going to licence your project as open source, then you do actually have to release the source. I know there's often a delay with commercial products. I suppose the tolerance of the open source community depends on the reason and the amount of time the code is held back.

    william kate photos. Prince William and Kate
  • Prince William and Kate

  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:39 AM
    if any of you are concerned about being tracked - why on earth would you buy any product that has a GPS in it (all computers cash info) and why on earth would you buy a cell phone - the towers know almost exactly when (which apple doesn't know) and where you are? The reaction to this news is stupid.

    Your type of apathy in the long term will do more harm than good.

    There is a big difference between voluntarily and involuntarily giving out personal information and that's what was at stake here.

    Apple admitted error - it's ok - you can admit it might not have been in the best interest of consumers too. Apple won't come and take your iPhone away.

    william kate photos. prince william kate middleton
  • prince william kate middleton

  • Evangelion
    Aug 18, 04:44 AM
    I have to say, I actually expected the woodcrest results to be better. It really shows that the G5 was years ahead of the competition. :cool:

    On some tasks, it was. Overall, it was merely competetive with what was available on the x86-world at the time (Opteron etc.). The difference was that G4 was getting massacred by x86, G5 restored parity.

    Yes, G5 whooped ass on some benchmarks. And lost in some other benchmarks. But at least it wasn't getting it's ass whooped all the time and everywhere ;)

    william kate photos. Prince William has made
  • Prince William has made

  • Mr. Gates
    Jun 8, 11:20 PM
    You mean "The Shack"

    They are pretty much ONLY a phone store now

    They lost the Mojo

    Boycott them

    william kate photos. from Prince William, Kate
  • from Prince William, Kate

  • Teddy's
    Sep 19, 08:38 AM
    News rumors: MR reports that new posts are going to appear in its website. Those include reports of angry individuals complaining about issues such as: my screen has white blobs, my (sony) battery exploded, I licked my magsafe and I got zapped!, my laptop is yellow, I found a piece of plastic surrounding the cpu fan, for god's sake! learn how to spell, we want Core 3 Duo new laptops now, Intel macs = apple's biggest mistake, my moo cow, my mbp whines... again, I am on my fifth MBP, I found a dead chinese cockroach inside the box, etc.

    william kate photos. prince-william-kate-middleton-
  • prince-william-kate-middleton-

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 01:26 PM
    You do realize that Bush started that right? As for Ford, their European division saved their butts and the jobs lost would have made the recession a lot worse. Yeah, good idea, let it all fail. Maybe we should let the government fail as well eh? They seem to be having monetary issues now.
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    Apr 25, 04:16 PM
    You have a RIGHT? Really? And where does that RIGHT come from? The only right you have is the right to choose another product if you don't like something about the one you're using.

    Stop whining. The phone doesn't even track you. As others have pointed out, the data is cell tower based, not GPS. The phone only logs the same kind of information your cell company already logs.

    Normally I would argue that the customer doesn't have a right to a lot of things. But in this case - if you bought a device and it is tracking you (I'm not saying it is or it isn't) - the customer does have a right to know.

    This (sort of) reminds me of how now your are legally allowed to get a free credit report once a year to determine whether or not it's correct. Companies used to make a fortune charging for something that people, inherently had the right to know.

    Jul 14, 11:00 PM
    Power supplies produce a lot of heat. It makes great sense according to simply the most basic laws of thermodynamics.

    Could you please explain this basic law of thermodynamics and I mean more extensively than "heat rises."

    I always thought that the power supply was on top because of the heat generated by it. Since heat rises, it wouldn't pass over the rest of the computer on its way out. I still agree with you about the weight part though.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Well since the current G5's have a seperate chamber for the power supply, I guess that wouldn't matter. Also, isn't the air cooler at the bottom than at the already warm top? Go figure....

    Apr 27, 09:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why do people care? I have nothing to hide, and I'm surely not enough "important" for Apple to track me step by step!

    Apr 28, 04:11 PM
    Because there was never a question of wither or not any of those men were born in the US, with Obama the past was always a bit hazy as to if he was actually born in Hawaii or thats just what his parents told him. Obviously he doesn�t remember BEING BORN in hawaii..his parents could have just told him that.

    But now we have proof and its all over with there�s no need to be calling names about it.

    What exactly was a bit hazy? He provided proof 3 years ago.

    The only thing that is hazy is your argument against racism. Different color, funny name...a bunch of white conservative bullies. Sometimes 1 + 1 does equal 2.

    Apr 28, 01:28 PM what you said about doubting and not believing is not true.

    Haven't you noticed this trend in everything he posts? I called him out ages ago.

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