Saturday, May 14, 2011

black and white photos of children

black and white photos of children. in lack and white
  • in lack and white

  • gregorsamsa
    Aug 27, 08:27 AM
    You are talking crap. It is only about industrial quality. Nothing else.
    There are simply too many individual issues with the new MB and MBP here, and I do not want to repeat them. Mostly hardware, but some are related to using OSX and MSOS. You can read, so do that.

    APPLE has been 'second to none' in the eyes of APPLE users, compared to who? I think MAC OS is fantastic, but it does not mean, that all those who switch now to APPLE have to accept hardware lemons to get this OS... Absolutely no excuse for over 25% crap products delivered to the customers...

    Everybody knows that APPLE could have had a 40+ market share, but decided not to license out. We all would be happier now, but JOBS decided against that years back. So now we are talking about a less than 5% market share... JUst do your math: If they had a 40% share WW, we would hear millions screaming about their lemons...

    It seems there's too much luck involved when buying an APPLE product right now.
    When they finally get their QC act together I will gladly buy their product.

    Cheers, and no hard feelings.

    Yes, people have every right to complain when they receive faulty products, particularly so when they're paying good money, as they do when buying Apple. But whether Apple's QC has suffered significantly as they try to keep costs down due to the market pressures of increasingly feasible like-with-like comparisons with PCs, as well as meeting an increasing consumer demand, is debatable? Though there certainly seems to be a worrying increase in complaints about the new Intel Macs, I wonder how much of that is down to perception as more people use the internet as a channel to vent their complaints? Regarding the new Intel Macs, the jury here is still very much out (& will remain so for at least another 6 months). Not least because...

    Recent surveys continue to give Apple an excellent rating for overall quality when compared to other brands. (Only Sony's computers get similar ratings). Talking about "25% crap products" may feel good as a rhetorical release, but it doesn't really help the debate here.

    Good point, however, about how Apple's market share could've been so much greater if only SJ had licensed out OS X. A great opportunity missed.

    black and white photos of children. Children of minority village.
  • Children of minority village.

  • RedTomato
    Sep 13, 12:36 PM
    I read the link above about the ZFS filesystem.

    Hmm this could remove a lot of the pain I currently have juggling disks on the cheap.

    (I hold a lot of footage of deaf people signing for a project, and don't really have any budget to pay for disk storage. I currently have about 200 GB left on a 1 TB RAID5 system inside a Powermac G3)

    It seems the concept of individual volumes will vanish, and instead ZFS creates a common pool of filespace and looks after the checksums etc itself. New drives can just be thrown into the array and ZFS will look after optimising the array I/O.

    Mixing 15k rpm speed demon drives with 5400rpm storage hog drives mmmm...

    I look forwards to being able to buy a cheap chassis with just a power unit and space for 10 drives, and being able to put that next to my G3, and having ZFS sort out what to do with the 8-9 drives in there.

    Something like that hooked up to a Cloverton should give significant HD speedup. Not as much as a ramdisk tho :)

    One thing, the article says ZFS can cope with drives being removed from the pool. I'd like to see more detail on that. It surely copes with 1 out of 4 drives failing - what about 3 out of 4? What if 3 x 20GB 15k rpm drives fail and the 1x750GB 5400rpm drive is still up?

    black and white photos of children. of white children,
  • of white children,

  • rdowns
    Mar 22, 01:50 PM
    Where are our strict constitutionalist Tea Party Republicans? They haven't had anything to say about this. ****ing hypocrites.

    black and white photos of children. 15 February quot;Black amp; white
  • 15 February quot;Black amp; white

  • Andy-V
    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    I think this IS a privacy issue. That data could end up in the wrong hands. Does anyone store a text document on their iPhone with a list of their bank details and passwords? No, because it could end up in the wrong hands. So could this data that's being collected.

    This data shouldn't be recorded without permission, no matter what's being done with it.

    black and white photos of children. Black and White Children
  • Black and White Children

  • twoodcc
    Aug 5, 08:41 PM

    Ok, Stevie J, You can introduce the Mac Pro, the new XServe, and Leopard on Monday.

    But please don't deny us our new conroe iMac with x1800XT! Release it on Tuesday!!! And Merom Macbooks and Macbook Pros. You will lose too many sales and potential switchers if you wait until the end of September!

    Plus I'll cry.

    We beggs of you Stevie J, we wants it, we needs it, it must come to me!
    The iMac Ultra is mine. My own. My precious.

    Alright, give precious back to master now......

    black and white photos of children. Black amp; White middot; Children
  • Black amp; White middot; Children

  • tekmoe
    Sep 19, 08:00 AM
    Its the people that are getting so worked up, annoyed at Apple, threatening to dump the platform and move to Windows, claiming Apple are three months behind Windows systems and generally bitching.

    agreed, 100%.

    black and white photos of children. Posted in lack and white,
  • Posted in lack and white,

  • noahtk
    Apr 6, 01:55 PM
    WE CAN ONLY HOPE!!! A price drop would be nice too.

    black and white photos of children. Black and white version
  • Black and white version

  • Leoff
    Sep 19, 08:25 AM
    You may be right to a certain extent, but l i assumed that most people who want a Macbook Pro are going to be using it for intensive stuff - I was under the impressions that Macs are the platform of choice for a lot of graphics professionals etc so the high end line would have a lot of those kind of ppl buying. Granted the difference in speed will probably be fairly minimal, but when you are spending a load of cash on a top-of-the line notebook, why shouldnt you expect to have the latest and greatest technology available? It also seems quite likely they might either make them cheaper, or offer more RAM on the base model etc. so buying now unless you really have to seems foolish.

    Im also not sure about your point on the resale value, i would imagine pro users probably would be concerned about which processor it had in it.

    Note that I, and the previous commenter who I quoted, have been talking about MacBooks, not MacBook Pros.

    black and white photos of children. lack and white photos,
  • lack and white photos,

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 19, 02:47 PM
    Hey leave Samsung alone! They're my favorite tech company after Apple :)

    black and white photos of children. Posted in lack and white,
  • Posted in lack and white,

  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:28 AM

    Yet another unimpressive "major" update to an O/S that's showing it's age and irrelevance. (Hell it's already to most consumers nothing more than "That thing you gotta hook your iPad up to to make it work.) Compared to the iDevice world, the computer side of Apple has ground to a halt. Is it intentional I wonder...? ;)

    Enough!! Combine MacOS and iOS already!!! The transition is so painfully slow, would someone else in tech get off their lazy ass and prod these guys to move a LITTLE quicker?!?


    A clear and balanced argument ladies and gentlemen.
    So cogently valid as to supersede the need for evidence.

    Edit: Wait .. i just got the sarcasm .. damn!

    black and white photos of children. lack and white photos of
  • lack and white photos of

  • mahonmeister
    Nov 29, 12:35 AM
    Heeeeeeell Nooooooo.

    Eat my shorts Universal.

    black and white photos of children. Children playing cards.
  • Children playing cards.

  • hulugu
    Mar 18, 10:57 PM
    What pacifist ever has a realistic chance of becoming the next "commander-in-chief"?

    That's why 5P's contention is so ridiculous.

    Candidates must paint themselves as "strong" and capable of leading our military, otherwise there'd be little chance they'd be elected as president.

    Foreign adventurism is as American as apple pie, but post-World War II it's become a structural constant that no single president is going to change. Paul talks, but when it came down to actually withdrawing US troops from foreign bases, I seriously doubt that it would go as smoothly as fivepoint and Paul suggest.

    It's a worthwhile consideration of Obama that he seems more hawk than dove these days, but I don't see another viable candidate from 2008 that would have done any better because these are difficult and complex problems.

    black and white photos of children. Black and white portrait
  • Black and white portrait

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:40 PM
    what if you don't want to buy and apple display but still want to use front row? I think is has to be on the computer, but i think there will be new displays

    I'm sure it will have a sensor on the computer... but as an added selling point, a second sensor on the Apple display... so you can put your computer under your desk and still use Front Row.

    black and white photos of children. lack and white photos of
  • lack and white photos of

  • wizard
    Mar 26, 10:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It is pretty incredible that the ignorance around Mac OS releases never stops. For one thing if you loose data on a computer, the only person to blame is the one staring at you in the mirror.

    Even the whine about nothing worthwhile for the user is a bit old and reflects what we heard about SL. Yet SL on my early 2008 MBP was a drastic improvement for the user right out of the box and just got better with each update. User facing features are the only reason to update, fixes to underlying facilities can go a long way to justifying the software update.

    As to the server integration, it hasn't and never will be a product worth $500. It is great that Apple is adding support to the base install but people need to realize a few things. One is that Mac OS is UNIX, people need to get that through their heads. Thus Apples server product only really adds in what is already seen in many UNIX intallations in a base install. Speaking of which much of that functionality is well established open source. Second the pricing of "server" software seems to be tailored to fit the mentality of the corporate world, where they feel they need to pay big bucks for something trivial. It is no wonder that Linux as established itself as a server OS in the SOHO world and at some of the more forward thinking larger corporations. As others have pointed out the basics of UNIX have been around for ages now, very little new territory is being cleared here, thus little justification for up charges on server software.

    Finally it is a bit cowardly to avoid the future because you see nothing of value there for you personally. It is frightenly similar to the attitude seen in those that cut their own wrists.

    black and white photos of children. a lack and white picture.
  • a lack and white picture.

  • MacRumors
    Jul 20, 08:05 AM (

    While Apple hasn't yet released its first Intel-based professional model desktop machine, many users are actively watching Intel's future roadmap for hints as to what may next appear in Apple's second revision Mac Pro and XServe machines. CNet reported yesterday afternoon ( that Intel's quad-core desktop chip (Kentsfield) and Xeon-class chip (Cloverton) have been bumped up and should arrive before year's end.

    Educated speculation would therefore indicate that Apple's second revision Mac Pro workstation will feature 8 cores, and other models will all become "Quad" machines. Most recent rumors ( have indicated that the Mac Pro will use Apple's Xeon-class chips over "desktop" models such as Core 2 Duo "Conroe" and Kentsfield. With Conroe perhaps landing in a future iMac, further speculation would indicate that iMacs down the pipe will feature the 4-core Kentsfield processor.

    black and white photos of children. Beth Riser Children#39;s
  • Beth Riser Children#39;s

  • bep207
    Aug 15, 01:03 PM
    has adobe dropped any hints as to when CS3 will be available

    black and white photos of children. silhouette lack amp; white
  • silhouette lack amp; white

  • iGary
    Feb 28, 05:14 PM
    A same-sex attracted person is living a "gay lifestyle" when he or she dates people of the same sex, "marries" people of the same sex, has same-sex sex, or does any combination of these things. I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.

    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage. If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away. I know of a woman who gave an excellent answer when men asked her why saved sex for marriage. She said, "I"m worth waiting for." She lived by her Catholic convictions, and she wouldn't risk letting any man use her as a mere object, as a mere tool.

    Some may say, "I have sex with my girlfriend to show her that I love her." If I had a girlfriend, I would hope I would love her enough to protect her from the physical and psychological risks that come with non-marital sex. The best way for me to do that is for my hypothetical girlfriend and me to be celibate before marriage.

    Sacramentally same-sex "marriage" isn't marriage. Neither is merely civil marriage of any sort. If I understand what the Catholic Church's teachings about marriage merely civil, it teaches non-sacramental marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is legal fornication.

    Whatever crutch gets you through life.

    black and white photos of children. Children#39;s Portraits
  • Children#39;s Portraits

  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 26, 08:29 PM
    Updated Wesbite Is Usually by 9 Eastern. Occasionally later. But usually then. :)

    Eastern? That's 6:00AM Pacific? You think?
    9:00AM Pacific sounds good.

    black and white photos of children. lack white sister children
  • lack white sister children

  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 01:49 PM
    Oh you're right, that is completely applicable and single-handedly discredits the foundation of the American government. Instead of government, let's all gather around and talk about our feelings.

    Sarcasm ^

    Nah, instead we can all stand around and look at a birth certificate! :rolleyes:

    Mar 1, 06:37 AM
    No it doesn't, not when people brag about how much they sleep aroundThat is their problem, not yours.

    Your link supports the idea that Greek society supported pederasty. If they have such a failing what is to say they don't have other failingsYou could say the same about the Catholic church. My link was specifically in reply to being asked for evidence - actually proof - that Plato was a homosexual. As for supporting bad stuff, the US Constitution was once quite content to support slavery and the subordination of women, and so were many of the founding fathers, both of the early church and the USA.

    rape and paedophilia both involve lack of consent. Although paedophilia has to do with that the mind is attracted to pre-pubescent children in the same way that homosexuality causes attraction to the same sex. Both cases are untreatable.What absolute bollocks! Homosexuality does not need treatment, since it is not a disease.

    Aug 11, 01:24 PM
    Hahahha coverage maps don't mean jack.Everyone in the wireless business knows they are gross approximations of the reality.

    Mar 25, 10:57 PM
    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    From the developer builds and such, there doesn't appear to be anything compelling or major to warrant anything more than a minor upgrade.

    Yeah, disappearing scroll bars. A full size screen. Woo.

    The UI and basic functionalities have stayed the same since Leopard, sprinkled with a bit of iOS features. Snow Leopard was a tune up, to establish the Intel line completely and such.

    Yet retained most, if not all of the Leopard UI elements.

    Personally, it just looks like a rough merge of iOS into the OS X environment without any refinement.

    If we have to fork out $120 or something, forget it.

    I guess my Leopard PowerPC Macs still look up to date then :)

    craig jones
    Sep 13, 12:58 PM
    Arrays of cheap RAM on a PCIe card?

    The RAM companies don't seem interested in making wodges of slow cheap hi-cap ram, only in bumping up the speed and upping the capacity. For the last 10 years, a stick of decent RAM has always been about �100/ $100 no matter what the capacity / flavour of the moment is.

    Even slow RAM is still orders of magnitude faster than a HD, hence my point. There's various historical and technical factors as to why we have the current situation.

    I've also looked at RAID implementations (I run a RAID5) but each RAID level has its own problems.

    I've recently seen that single-user RAID3 might be one way forward for the desktop, but don't really know enough about it yet.

    Slow RAM may be faster than hard disk but it's too slow for main memory. It could be useful for disk cache but products like that came and went. If such hardware could actually result in performance improvements to justify their costs then you'd see products that used them.

    As for RAID 3, it has been used before but really has no place considering modern disk drives and workloads. RAID 3 and 4, in order to work properly, require spindle sync. Workstations have no business implementing any parity-based RAID scheme. Servers used RAID 5 when they have high capacity needs and aren't sensitive to write performance.

    Sep 19, 12:30 PM
    All you people trying to make us feel like complete morons for waiting and wanting a new (AND BETTER) chip, what's wrong with you?! Did you just buy a MBP and feel the need to piss on everyone that is about to get a beter machine than you? Or is it just PMS or some other hormonal condition?

    As I said earlier in this thread, Playstation was far from first to market.

    Video game systems aside, what the people saying "quit complaining about Apple's lack of a C2D notebook" are driving at is that more than once, someone posts something along the lines of, "Man, I needed a new laptop three months ago for my school project - I've been slaving away on my PowerBook 1400 waiting for the new MacBookPro Painted Aluminum C2D... but there's no way I'm going to give Apple the satisfaction of caving in now!" when in reality, they time they would have saved in the past three months alone using the Intel machine over the PPC machine, not posting 12x a day asking when the Core2Duo laptops are out, etc, etc would be more than enough to make up for the measly 10% real world performance increase they'll get for a machine that's already missed 3 or 4 rumor announcement dates and has no guarantee of being out in the next month!

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