Saturday, May 14, 2011

hayley williams 2011 pics

hayley williams 2011 pics. paramore hayley williams 2011.
  • paramore hayley williams 2011.

  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 04:46 PM

    From this site:

    Closed captioning
    QuickTime currently supports closed captioning by including a text track alongside audio and video content. But improved QuickTime support will automatically display the CEA-608 closed captioning text standard in analog broadcasts in the U.S.


    Anyone think this means support for Closed Captioning in iTunes video downloads? As a hearing-impaired Mac-User, the lack of subtitles/captions in the TV shows is the one thing keeping me from buying a bunch of them. I hope they address this issue soon...

    As for the rest of the stuff:

    1) Time Machine--cool name for a cool idea. However, I use a Powerbook, and my External HD is in another room. It's not connected all the time. I wonder how this setup will work? And like others, I initially thought "System Restore," but then I realized how different this is, and how Useful. But how far back can you go? I have files on my computer that are almost 10 years old....Will time machine be able to find stuff that was deleted years ago (I do mean AFTER time Machine is installed...I obviously don't expect it to find stuff deleted before TM was installed).

    2) Mail. To-Do implementation looks neat, and themes might be fun for a Christmas letter. But I really don't care about HTML mail.

    3) iChat. "Share the Screen" looks awesome, if it works well. So does being able to do a slideshow while chatting with someone...

    4) Spaces. I've gotten so used to Expose, I can't see Virtual desktops being that big a deal to me. But It's a good feature for those who want it.

    5) Dashboard. From the previews, it seems like Dashcode will be available as part of the OS?

    6) Spotlight. Over-the-network searches sound great.

    7) iCal. More networking features are great, but most of my friends/coworkers have PCs, so moot point for me.

    8) Accessibilty: See above about Closed Captioning. Anything that helps Hearing impaired users is great.

    9) 64-bit. Kind of Obvious?

    10) Core Animation: Will my 1.67 G4 Powerbook be able to utilize this in any way?

    Overall, great Keynote, I thought. the only people that should be disappointed are the ones claiming all kinds of crazy stuff, as always.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams - Cosmopolitan
  • Hayley Williams - Cosmopolitan

  • kalun
    Sep 18, 11:27 PM
    As I is naught en Amerikan canned sumone plz tell mi wen tanksgifting is? :p

    lol, 1337 sp3ak FTW!!

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy
  • Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy

  • Multimedia
    Sep 14, 12:23 PM
    i think they're coming up with 2 dual octo-core.......True That. But not until next summer 2007.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy
  • Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy

  • bankshot
    Aug 7, 07:12 PM
    As others have said, Time Machine is likely either a direct port of Sun's ZFS, or an equivalent implementation in HFS+. Actually, that's an interesting point -- if it's ZFS, it'll require a reformat in order to use it. If they did it themselves in HFS+, that's a lot more useful for anything besides brand new machines. Though ZFS is a much more modern design, despite all the things Apple's done to extend HFS+ in recent years (journaling, case-sensitive option, etc). Might be good to make a clean break and move forward.

    Anyway, no real surprise there, unless you count the fancy glitz that Apple put on top of it. And of course, who's surprised when they do that? ;)

    What I'd like to know more about is Spotlight. It was one of the most disappointing features in Tiger for me. It was supposed to revolutionize how you use the computer, but it turned out to be extremely slow and almost useless to me. I suggested from day one -- in fact from the day Steve demoed Tiger at WWDC in 2004 -- that Spotlight should not only index your online drives, but also network drives and offline media (backup CDs and DVDs). The latter two are far more useful to me personally, as I have data scattered across several different computers and on dozens of backups.

    According to today's keynote, Apple has finally added support for network drives. But I wonder -- does this mean only other Leopard Macs, or any shared drive that the Mac can connect to? Can I index a Windows shared drive from my Mac, or even a Unix NFS mount? Or is it only other Macs? Once again, if it's limited to other Leopard Macs, then this would be useless for a lot of people (mostly ME! :D).

    Also, will they add indexing of offline media? There's no mention of it on the Leopard Spotlight page. Do I still have time to suggest it (again)? Hmmm....

    Finally, gotta wonder what those "top secret" features are, and why so secret? Maybe they might not get done in time for release, and therefore Apple doesn't want to look bad like MS pulling Vista features left and right? Surely there's not enough time for a competitor to steal the idea and get it out before Apple does? Even if "next spring" means early June... That's no time at all in large scale software projects.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams 2011 Grammy
  • Hayley Williams 2011 Grammy

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 11:40 AM

    Quick question...

    How does Radio Shack know what your upgrade
    price will be?

    I mean, I know already I am not eligible for a
    discount and will have to pay $399 or $499.

    Does Radio Shack have access to your AT&T
    account to determine your upgrade price?

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams haircut 2011.
  • hayley williams haircut 2011.

  • dissdnt
    Jun 9, 12:36 AM
    Radio Shack is still around. :P

    It's probably the best place to go. NO ONE is going to know that Radio Shack has the iPhone. Probably a quicker in and out then Best Buy or an Apple Store.

    But honestly this whole trade in thing sounds fishy. Why would they give you 270 for a phone you can buy brand new starting the launch date for half that.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams 2011 pics. Labels: Hayley Williams; Labels: Hayley Williams. Zadillo. Aug 25, 08:30 PM. well im certainly annoyed with Apple#39;s support
  • hayley williams 2011 pics. Labels: Hayley Williams; Labels: Hayley Williams. Zadillo. Aug 25, 08:30 PM. well im certainly annoyed with Apple#39;s support

  • bibbz
    Jun 14, 06:02 PM

    Reservations with a pin attached DO guarantee you a phone on launch day. This is how our DC knows how many to send. Otherwise there would be no point in doing a reservation. Basically if a store takes 20 reservations, they will get 20 phones plus a few extra based on how many reservations they took. If a store tells you the reservation will not guarantee you a phone, go to a diff RS bc that store doest know what theya re talking about.

    :apple: says we cannot call it a "pre-order" and we cannot take money for the iPhone 4 before launch day!

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams#39; Curtains
  • Hayley Williams#39; Curtains

  • Danksi
    Aug 15, 01:20 PM
    Premiere Pro, for an example, is starting to use GPU-accelerated effects, I think it's a trend that will soon be coming over to FCP.

    I'd get the 2.6 ghz, then add another graphics card in the future if the current one doesn't suffice.

    Good to know. Thanks.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams
  • Hayley Williams

  • afrowq
    Apr 6, 10:09 PM
    I use FCP and am VERY hesitant to go back to Premiere. Haven't used it since Premiere 6.0, and definitely do NOT want to go back. I have tens of thousands of dollars invested in Apple and FCP, and it would be a huge pain to abandon them. But I absolutely will jump ship if the next update to FCP doesn't show me that Apple is still paying attention to the professional users that initially were the bread and butter of the company.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams takes to
  • Hayley Williams takes to

  • Xeem
    Aug 15, 12:05 PM
    Still waiting for game benchmarks...

    Ditto. Sometimes a system's true colors don't show until you've benchmarked modern games on it.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams paramore 2011.
  • hayley williams paramore 2011.

  • macenforcer
    Sep 13, 08:52 AM
    Now this is what I am talking about. YEAH!

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan
  • Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan

  • Silentwave
    Jul 15, 04:26 PM
    The only reason I see Apple going all Woodcrest is to justify their high markups , while insulting you Mac Loyalist on price they also offer you less performance for your money.

    Look here at the current woody pricing at Newegg

    So apple is going to charge you guys $1799 for a Desktop with a 2.0ghz CPU , when everyone else will charge $1199 for a Conroe E6600 2.4ghz based desktop.

    This is not looking good apple.

    You can be quiet now. Go on Dell's medium/large business site, which is the *only* section you can find the Woodcrests in single/dual configs (HP doesn't have theirs out yet), and configure one with a decent video card, 250GB HD, no monitor, and any of the rumored processor configurations (which I think some are not correct), a DL DVD+/-RW burner, and optical mouse and you tell ME how much it costs.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Grammy Awards 2011 Hair Trends
  • Grammy Awards 2011 Hair Trends

  • Benjy91
    Mar 22, 01:07 PM
    I love the way the Playbook handles Multi-tasking, and how the OS looks. But not enough to make me switch.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. 8 of 9. Hayley
  • 8 of 9. Hayley

  • Kelmon
    Aug 27, 05:11 AM
    Arrgh! The anticipation! While I'd like to be able to hold off on a new laptop until Santa Rosa and a supporting MacBook Pro hits the market I can't. My old Ti PowerBook is way too slow these days and it will be replaced by the first 17" Merom-based MacBook Pro that Apple releases. While there's a few things that I'd like to see updated in the new models beyond the processor, I think my #1 will be 4GB RAM limit (2GB is fine for one OS but I want to be running OS X and Windows side-by-side at work) and #2 will be an updated GPU.

    It will certainly be interesting to see what happens next week (personally, I'm not expecting an announcement, but hey, I'm happy to be wrong) and it will nicely coincide with the finances becoming available for the muther of all portable Macs. As long as the new one doesn't have any QA or design issues, I'll be as happy as a pig in ****...

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Purple hair
  • Hayley Williams Purple hair

  • Flowbee
    Aug 11, 10:28 AM
    Arrrggh... too many conflicting rumors make my head a splode. :eek:

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams and Jeremy
  • Hayley Williams and Jeremy

  • danvdr
    Aug 27, 06:42 PM
    G5 Powerbook joke explanations next Tuesday :p

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Cosmo 2011
  • Hayley Williams Cosmo 2011

  • Multimedia
    Jul 21, 01:39 PM
    Hey Multimedia, just curious, I wonder what's your current (something you want to use for the next 1-2 years) idea of the ultimate machine wrt number of Cores, Memory, Storage, etc. And, how much are you willing to pay for it?Under $4k whatever state of the offerings are. I am not writing about wanting to pay for expensive servers etc. I am only referring to Mac Pro top of the lines. So I am looking foward to the 8 core starter kit this Winter. :D

    Mine is not RAM intensive work. I have 6GB of ram now and it is more than enough. I also have several Terabytes of HDs already. 400GB HDs are down to $100 now so Storage is pretty cheap with each Terabyte down to $250 or 25� a GB.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams wears an
  • Hayley Williams wears an

  • rorschach
    Apr 25, 01:42 PM
    "privacy invasion"? How? Neither the file nor any of the information in it goes anywhere but the user's iOS device and their computer.

    Are they going to sue AT&T or Verizon too? The carriers have the same location information.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Sexy Hayley Williams in
  • Sexy Hayley Williams in

  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 11:34 PM
    No Macbook Pros?? I hope there won't be any. My MBP gets to stay top of the line for few more weeks ;) . Besides, and correct me if I'm wrong, but when was the last time that any notebook was mere updated at WWDC ??
    The Lombard-bronze keyboard PB in 1999.

    Apr 6, 07:31 AM
    I have been hoping for some time that Final Cut Server be integrated into Final Cut. Considering Lion Server is included with Lion, I'd say the chances are pretty high! Finally, some real asset management!

    Apr 7, 04:13 PM
    I run Handbrake and Photoshop among other things when I need to (in a pinch (and zoom)).

    Not on an iPad... (which was my point)

    Apr 19, 03:10 PM
    and the even bigger joke ist...all the apple stuff is produced for a small budget in china and sold like Karl Lagerfeld himself produced every little piece. Sorry but that's a shame!

    Apr 19, 08:28 PM
    Apple may have expanded upon existing GUI elements, but it didn't invent the GUI. Very big difference there.

    Interesting that you now notice the difference between the two when you started the entire discussion with your complete misunderstanding of someone already differentiating between the two...

    Mar 25, 10:57 PM
    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    From the developer builds and such, there doesn't appear to be anything compelling or major to warrant anything more than a minor upgrade.

    Yeah, disappearing scroll bars. A full size screen. Woo.

    The UI and basic functionalities have stayed the same since Leopard, sprinkled with a bit of iOS features. Snow Leopard was a tune up, to establish the Intel line completely and such.

    Yet retained most, if not all of the Leopard UI elements.

    Personally, it just looks like a rough merge of iOS into the OS X environment without any refinement.

    If we have to fork out $120 or something, forget it.

    I guess my Leopard PowerPC Macs still look up to date then :)

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